Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dead Console

Well, my console died last week. Words cannot express how bummed out I am! I'm going to try to get it fixed, but I have no idea whether it will work again. So, I'm on the look out for a replacement/back up console. If anyone knows where I can pick one up for a reasonable price, let me know.  Please e-mail me (admin at passappal dot com) with terms.



Diana L. Sullivan, CPA said...

Oh, how awful!

You might try Anne and Richard Croucher. Richard is an electronics guy and expert with the consoles. Maybe he's got some since he's a fixer. Richard has upgraded some of the older versions and taught my husband how to change the batteries. Anne posts on the machine knitting yahoo group quite often.

MC1100 said...

E6000 download cable to link with laptop running vista.
Can such an item be found??

Jenny said...

The best way to find someone who can make you a cable is to post a message on

Unknown said...

How do I get ahold of Richard Coucher. My passapE600 console lights up but won't go past program. I've tried leaving it on over 24 hours and more to get a charge but still nothing. I've push the R button while turning on but still can't get anything from pushing Ent. Or No do I need to leave it on longer
I got Richard Ciuchers web sit but how do I give him a message. Thanks for helping. Elaine Schumann

Helenknit said...

Hi Elaine,

Did you ever resolve this? I just got Passap E6000 and am having the same problem! The language is stuck on German and "R" is totally unresponsive even after charging for 2 days. We are looking at changing the battery but I just wondered if you have figured out what cause the problem?
Thanks! Helen

Unknown said...

For anybody interested - I am the Richard Croucher (in the UK) mentioned above and NO I do not and have never had a website.

I can be contacted via email